Tuesday 18 January 2011

Cut the crap Google!

As you can see I am new to blogging. I have spent quite a while writting my articles and naturally I would like someone to visit my blog at some point, maybe even leave a comment or two.

So with this in mind I went in search of tips on how to increase the traffic to your blog. What stood out amoungst the tips was this:

Top get people to your blog you need to become part of the "blogoshere" for your subject and leave comments pointing you your articles where appropriate.

Clearly these seems like a good tip, so I jumped on to Google and tapped in some terms like:

Gay, personal stories, Gay Blog, Gay advice, My gay blog, personal gay blogs, top gay blogs

Needless to say I didn't get back what I was hoping for, I got a load of rubbish back. This mainly consisted of the following:

  • Random news articles from so called blogs which are actually magazines and news sites which just so happen to have the word Gay in them.
  • Links to blogs which are pornographic or link to other paid for pornographic sites.
  • Blogs which have nothing to do with homosexuality or being gay but at some point have posted something on the subject and attracted a ton of comments, most of which are defamatory, negative and bigoted.

Needless to say after some prolonged searching and essentially hopping from blog to blog I did manage to find some really good blogs written by insightful people discussing their experience of being gay. I have posted some links to these on my blog.

I am however a little frustrated at how difficult it was to find these. It angers me that a young person or a parent wanting to find other people and sites sensibly discussing being gay and the topic of homosexuality will have to wade through this offensive crap before before they find the decent people out there.


  1. Perhaps you should take some lessons from this guy? http://www.youtube.com/user/wickydkewl

  2. Yes - the now very famous Davey Wavey!
